International reportage

Christian Müller and his camera have been all over the world. And throughout his travels, it’s always people – the way they are and the way they behave – that have interested him most. Here is a selection of the images he has captured.

International reportage

A bush fire in Australia’s Northern Territory.A terminally-ill child in Campo Eré, a refuge for landless farm workers in Southern Brazil.Children with little hope for the future living in a plastic hut in Campo Eré, Southern Brazil.Campo Eré, a refuge for landless farm workers in Southern Brazil.The TRABALHADORES RURAIS SEM TERRA debate what to do next.A young contortionist at the SCHOOL OF ART in Shijiazuang, China.Men of Chengde, north of Beijing.A village school near Zhengzhou/Kaifeng, China.Traditional Chinese medicine at a hospital near Zhengzhou/Kaifeng, China.Road workers near Zhengzhou/Kaifeng, China.
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